- part 1: Ah! I'm Going to Sneeze!
- part 2: Ah! We Really Screwed Up!
- part 3: Ah! Now I Understand!
(All three feature female sneezing due to allergies brought on by a magical misunderstanding)
Sora Hasegawa:
This three-part story primarily features secondary character, Sora Hasegawa. (Who I've have such a crush on it's kind of disturbing!) In it she is afflicted with Allergies to nearly everything because of an poorly worded spell from Belldandy. Also deals with how it feels to have a sneezing fetish, and to be the object of someone's affection due to it.
Ai Yori Aoshi
Guest (Features two females sneezing from cat allergies)
Taeko Minazuki & Miyabi Kagurazaki:
There's something about this one that's kind of embarrassing for me. I tend to pride myself on knowing the source material pretty well and in trying to capture to spirit of the setting, style and characters. I try to write these as if they could be actual episodes, and in general I think I do a fair job of it. The problem here was that I wrote it rather a long while after having seen the series, and I'd just plain forgotten that there already WAS a stray cat that they took in and, yeah (big surprise) no one was allergic to it. So... yeah, this ain't exactly cannon, if you know what I mean! LOL
Azumanga Daioh
Sniffle, Sneeze, Blow! (Features several females sneezing from colds, allergies and induction)Sakaki, Chiyo-chan, Osaka, Kagura, Tomo, Tanazaki-Sensei & Kurosawa-Sensei:
I could so see them making this one! I had a lot of fun with this one. Not needing an actual plot was a big help. LOL. This (like the show) is just series of scenes involving the charecters in sneeze-themed situations.
Chii Gets an Allergy (~18+)(Features feminine androids mimicking the effects of Colds and Allergies, due to a computer virus.)
Chii & Sumomo, Sumomo & Kotoko:
A hacker writes a virus that makes Chii appear ot have allergies in order to throw off any suspicion that their is a REAL virus at play that will break through her securitty systems. This was my first foray into slightly erotic fiction. There's no actual sex (etc...) in it, but there's a lot of echi humor and sexually suggestive scenes in the Anime, so I felt it only appropriate to bring some of that to this piece. I did this by giving the lead male character (Hideki Motosuwa) a sneezing fetish. So there's a lot of focus of the effect that Chii's constant sneezing is having on him - arousal, embarrassment, etc... So it's pretty light 18+, to be sure, but... better safe than sorry.
(Features female sneezing due to hayfever)
Sir Integra Fairbrook Wingates Hellsing:
Just a short scene. No plot. Fun.
I My Me! Strawberry Eggs
Perfumed Scentof a Woman
(features transgendered MTF (sort of) sneezing due to purfume allergy)
Hibiki Amawa & Amawa-Sensei
Hibiki Amawa's secret life is almost undone by an unusal allergy and a suspicious superior.
InuYasha (coming soon!)
The Angry Spirits of the Forest (Illustrated!)
- Part 1
- Part 2
- Part 3
- Part 4
- Part 5
- Part 6
- Part 7
- Part 8
- Part 9
- Part 10
(features Male and Female Sneezing from allergies caused by Ent Pollen.)
InuYahsa, Kagome and company stumble accross a village seemingly at war with the Ent in the nearby forrest. Their allergies make it diffiuclt to fight, and even more so to get to the bottom of the conflict. (Illustrated!)
Love Hina
- Part 1: Mad Scientist and Crazy Pet: A Cold
- Part 2: Misery with Company: School, Train, Dojo (crossover with Mahou Sensei Nehima) (coming soon!)
(Both feature several females and one male sneezing due to a synthetically engineered virus.)
Keitaro Urashima, Naru Narusegawa, Mitsune "Kitsune" Konno, Motoko Aoyama, Shinobu Maehara & Kaolla Su:
A long forgotten virus engineered by Kaolla Su gets loose and gets passed frorm person to person at the Hinata Apartments. Love Hina was one of the first anime I'd ever seen, and it remains one of my favorites. I had a lot of fun doing this one.
Mahou Sensei Negima!
Wandering From the Path (Features several females and one male sneezing due to a magical, allergic hex)
Negi Springfield, Asuna Kaguruzaka, Nodoka Miyazaki, Yue Ayase & Setsuna Sakurazaki:

While on a little side-quest durign the class trip, Negi and the girls are afflicted by the reversal of a spell that was meant to protect them from dangerous allergens. They are then forced to fight a cat-demon, a ragweed-golem and a young warrior armed with a sword, and a feather. (And special thanks to JK Rowling for the prop I stole!)
The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya
Haruhi Suzumiya
Haruhi's allergies are bothering her and she wishes that everyone else would know how she felt.
Witch Hunter Robin
Wind in the Trees (Features female sneezing from allergies to magically enhanced pollen)
Robin Sena:
Robin and Amon investigate a witch who's using his power to make plant life grow to extreme size as a weapon of eco-terrorism.